Capital Fundraising Campaign
Volleyball NB is embarking on its first ever Capital Fundraising Campaign.
It has been almost twenty years since we have brought three of our biggest events to the Moncton Coliseum
- Age Class Provincials 120+ teams,
- Sr. Open 70+ teams,
- Jack Lawson Middle School Cup 100+teams.
Ten sports courts under one roof is unheard of in the Atlantic Provinces. We have also built a tremendous relationship with the City of Moncton and as a result, thousands of athletes, coaches, administrators, parents, grandparents, and friends of Volleyball NB have come through our doors and been able to experience the amazing atmosphere that exists at the Coliseum.
This is an NB success story.

Volleyball continues to show strong growth here in NB.
The City of Moncton is exploring ideas that will allow us to increase our court capacity. In turn, this will provide a path to add more teams to our events. Growth is a key factor in our Strategic Plan, and continued planning and execution is a necessity for our association.
Our existing net systems and equipment have reached their end-of-life cycle, we need to add to our complete sport court and net systems. Volleyball NB will partner with the City of Moncton, and The Province of NB that will see a major investment in our sport infrastructure in the next two years.
The expected cost of this endeavour is approx $400,000. Volleyball NB has set our fundraising target at $100,000. If Volleyball NB exceeds our fundraising target, a legacy fund will be established. Our stewardship means we need to be cognizant of membership costs, we will establish a strategy with this fund to work to keep our fees in check.
To make this fundraiser a success, we are reaching out to our membership, their families, our alumni, and friends of VNB worldwide. We will provide a charitable receipt for taxation through our partnership with Sport NB. A wall will be established to honour all donors.
VNB respectfully ask that you be sure to “Please Share” our fundraiser within your social media followers and/or your business circles.