Partager le Score

This Month, We’re Fundraising for

The VNB Athlete Assistance Program

    • This program aims to help offset the costs of travel related to High Performance

Canada Games Male

    • Dirrectly supports the Male Indoor Canada Games group on their journey to Newfoundland

Canada Games Female

    • Directly supports the Female Indoor Canada Games group on their journey to Newfoundland

Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter Partager le Score—un tout nouveau tirage 50-50 qui rassemble les ventes des organismes provinciaux de sport participants en un gros lot mensuel massif!

Starting September 1st 2024, you can purchase your tickets and support our sport! With each draw, one lucky winner will take home 50% of the jackpot, while the other half directly supports amateur sports in New Brunswick.

Thank you for supporting our sport!